Tuam Tshoj Induction Melting rauv Chaw tsim tshuaj paus thiab tsum | Rongtai

Induction Melting rauv

Luv hauj lwm:

Power Supply: RT Multi-Output Power Supply Units can power two or more furnaces simultaneously for greater production with a minimum investment for each ton of metal being poured. Some of the many advantages include: A single power unit with the batch production capacity of multiple units Uninterrupted melting and precise temperature control for holding or superheating Ability to simultaneously preheat, sinter, melt and/or ultra low power hold in multiple furnaces Increased alloy flexibilit...

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Hwj chim Mov:

RT Multi-zis fais fab Mov Chav  yuav lub hwj chim ob los yog ntau tshaj furnaces ib txhij rau ntau dua lawm nrog ib tug tsawg kawg nkaus peev rau txhua tuj hlau raug poured. Ib co ntawm cov ntau yam zoo xws li:

  • Ib tug tib hwj chim unit nrog lub batch lub peev xwm ntau ntawm ntau chav nyob
  • Uninterrupted melting thiab leej kub tswj rau cov tuav los yog superheating
  • Muaj peev xwm mus ib txhij preheat, sinter, yaj thiab / los yog ultra uas tsis muaj zog tuav nyob rau hauv ntau yam furnaces
  • Nce hlau yooj
  • Khoom fais fab siv ntau nce 100 feem pua
  • Ua kom hlau ntau lawm tsis muaj ua fais fab thov theem
  • Cais poob lawm ntawm lwm yam uas rau txhua tus lub cub tawg
  • Muaj peev xwm nraaj phim lawm los ua ntau ntau cov hlau thov
  • Tsuas yog ib tug txheej ntawm lub hwj chim thiab dej sib txuas yuav tsum tau, zoo heev txo installation, lag luam thiab nqi
  • Muaj peev xwm mus ncaj tag nrho nyob hwj chim mus rau ib cub tawg thaum tag nrho cais lwm thaum lub sij hawm txij nkawm
  • Qhov tseeb tiam ntawm cov computing technology, microcontroller kev pab cuam tswj.
  • Tsis tshua muaj pib zaus, ultra tsawg cua sov hauv ob sab phlu stoving lub hwj chim.
  • Lub rectification yog tag nrho qhib, lub hwj chim zoo tshaj yuav yog high, thiab lub Upper harmonics tseem me me.
  • Siv qhov tseeb tiam ntawm thaum uas tig mus resonance technology, zoo heev txo lub hwj chim noj index
  • Hluav taws xob cov muaj kev ruaj ntseg tsim qauv nyob rau hauv txoj kab nrog thoob ntiaj teb thiab domestic qauv
  • Ntau sophisticated thiab ntse tiv thaiv nuj nqi


Lower Installation nqi:  Cov furnaces yog zoo tagnrho rau cov sib qhov twg nyiaj siv ua haujlwm clearances kom siab muaj kev txwv. Lawv kuj yuav tsum tau shallower qhov excavation rau sab installation nqi.

Lower seem nqi:  Qhov no feature muab ib tug crucible qhib uas yog 20 mus rau 30 feem pua loj nyob rau hauv txoj kab uas hla dua ib tug txheej txheem profile cub tawg ntawm lub tib lub hlau muaj peev xwm uas tso cai rau foundries siv loj, bulkier (thiab feem ntau tsis tshua kim) xwb cov ntaub ntawv. Rau foundries nrog loj rov qab thiab ntev risers, tshwj xeeb heev rau cov zas hlau khw, tus loj dua cov tshuab cua sov qhib thiaj li cutoff ua hauj lwm thiab lwm yam kev seem ua nqi.

Zoo nkag tau mus rau slag:  Qhov loj cub tawg qhib kuj muab zoo dua saib rau qhov kev tshem tawm ntawm slag los yog dross buildup rau lub cub tawg phab ntsa. Qhov no yog tshwj xeeb yog ib qho tseem ceeb nyob rau hauv furnaces siv rau nonferrous melting qhov twg ib tug yaj lawj neeg ua hauj lwm yuav tsum tau mus cuag mus rau hauv qab ntawm lub cub tawg nrog ib tug refractory scraper.

Txhab muaj nuj nqi:  Nws yuav ntsia nrog backslagging ntaus ntawv, lub tshuab cua sov hauv ob sab phlu laub-tawm system thiab cub tawg qhov kev tiv thaiv ntaus ntawv los mus txhim kho cov kev kab ntsab thiab kev nyab xeeb ntawm melting lag luam; nws kuj yuav nruab muaj ntau yam fume sau rings thiab tog vaj tog tsev los pab koj ua raws li cov strictest cua muaj kuab paug uas yuav tsum tau, xws li MACT qauv.
Casting automation:  Uas ncej yuav txawm peem rau luj qhov hnyav ntawm molten hlau nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm, thiab hloov ntau yam ntau lawm cov ntaub ntawv rau lub Hoobkas lawm txheej txheem tiav system (ntxiv) txawj ntse Hoobkas tswj.

Hwj chim Mov:
Fais fab yog hom twg 180KW-10,000KW
Tiv tauj Rongtai rau kev cai Solutions
Standard nta Leej thiab Noog Digital lwm yam uas
Cov Control Board nrog Fiber-optic Clear teeb liab ua
Kov-screen zaub rau Control thiab cov ntaub ntawv nkag teb chaws
Ua-nyob rau hauv av thiab los Ntes System
6,12 los yog 24 Pulse Kab Hwj chim Rectifier System
tuav Diagnostics
Fais fab Control Adjustable ntawm tag nrho cov hwj huam Theem, ntawm txhais tes los sis siv neeg
Tsis teb los tau nta System Status ntawv nyeem Tam
Melting-huab Tswj lub tshuab
Hoobkas Kuaj Tseem ceeb heev Cheebtsam


Capacities 250 kg-30 Tons
Tiv tauj Rongtai rau kev cai Solutions
Standard nta Loj Access Panels
Steel Plhaub tiv thaiv
insulated npog
dua Freeboard
Hauv pem teb los kom paub tias
Sib Nqus Quab
Tsis teb los tau nta load hlwb
Rov qab-tilting, Qhov ntswg-tilting thiab Pre-tilting Systems
Integrated Fume nplhaib
Fume lolus thiab Hoods
Kev Nyab Xeeb Qhov tiv thaiv
Weigh Ntas
Meem hauv Push-tawm System
Ntxiv Dav-bodied tsim nta Loj Da Inch
Lower Stance
Ntiav Qhov tob
Hoobkas Kuaj Tseem ceeb heev Cheebtsam

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